First and foremost, this is a personal choice. It is impossible to please every Tango dancer in any venue. There are some should and should not’s, but when artistic, creative efforts are involved, do we really want to limit the DJ?

Yes, it is nice to have tandas and cortinas, they make the evening flow and are the traditional enhancements that we all follow and appreciate. They can make the transition from one partner to the next easy and graceful.

To play Nuevo, alternative, or non-traditional music is really the DJ’s choice. Everyone has preferences, and if the DJ takes the peoples input into consideration, he may change the evenings dynamics for best, or worse, but it is his choice and artistic freedom we ultimately value.

The good DJs go to a lot of preparation for an event. They organize, collect, and study the atmosphere of the venue. It is sometimes exhaustive work and study. When a dancer flo

ws by and makes a request, it is difficult for the DJ to interrupt a program and instantly change direction. Perhaps requesting some “type” of music for another evening is more appreciated.


Regardless of your tastes and experience, we should all tip our sombreros to these wonderful people whom we couldn’t dance without, who are sometimes playing and working just for our simple dancing pleasure. They deserve our kindness and respect.