Great News! Maestra Johana Copes will return to your Tango Home first week of September 6th-8th @Argentine Tango Detroit
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✅September 6th-8th
– Libertad y control : como , cuando y donde ? Uso de la pierna libre: conexión con el cuerpo, desarrollo del movimiento. Todos los niveles
-Freedom and control: how, when and where? Use of the free leg: connection with the body, movement development. All levels
ATD MILONGA 9-2am Open Dancing DJ
-Diferentes técnicas de giro : para una mejor fluidez en cada rol. Giros circulares, lineales ,con enrosques y sacadas. Intermedio – Avanzado
– Different turning techniques: for better fluidity in each role. Circular, linear turns, with twists and exits.
Intermediate – Advanced
-Trabajo de boleos en todas sus variantes.Como marcarlos y como seguirlos. Intermedio – avanzado
Boleos in all its variants. How to mark them and how to follow them.
– Trabajo de pies , paradas , barridas y más ..!
– Work feet, stops, sweeps and more ..!
Troy Dance Studio
8PM Workshop with Johana All Levels
Milonga with Dinner additional $10
1:00-2:00-Milonga lisa y con traspié
Intermedio- Avanzado
2:00-3:00-Musicalidad : como interpretar a cada orquesta ,marcar diferencias en dinámicas e intenciones. Todos los niveles
Musicality: how to interpret each orchestra, mark differences in dynamics and intentions. All levels
– “Estilo Copes” figuras creadas por Juan Carlos Copes y como adaptarlas a la actualidad.
Intermedio- Avanzado
“Copes Style” figures created by Juan Carlos Copes and how to adapt them to the present.Intermediate- Advanced
All Classes are $25
Full Pass $175 Includeds ATD Friday Milonga
Book your One on One Private today!
Register for a Super Early Bird Special by calling (586)254-0560 or stop by!!!!
Best of the best-you do not want to miss this.. it doesn’t matter your level or time in Tango, what matters is your LOVE of TANGO!!!!!! Learn to keep learning @ATD