Fridays Tango Suave Milonga
7:00 Salsa all levels w/Yelena Murray 8:00 Argentine Tango I w/Daniel y Amanda 9:00 Milonga-Open Dance DJ
7:00 Salsa all levels w/Yelena Murray 8:00 Argentine Tango I w/Daniel y Amanda 9:00 Milonga-Open Dance DJ
Bring your kids into the world of dance with a good environment. They will learn etiquette, dance and partner skills. Good social behavior, and develop a solid foundation.
Bring your kids into the world of dance with a good environment. They will learn etiquette, dance and partner skills. Good social behavior, and develop a solid foundation.
Bring your kids into the world of dance with a good environment. They will learn etiquette, dance and partner skills. Good social behavior, and develop a solid foundation.
Bring your kids into the world of dance with a good environment. They will learn etiquette, dance and partner skills. Good social behavior, and develop a solid foundation.
Bring your kids into the world of dance with a good environment. They will learn etiquette, dance and partner skills. Good social behavior, and develop a solid foundation.
NO MILONGA OR CLASSES TONIGHT 7:00 Salsa All Levels w/Yelena Murray 8:00 Argentine Tango I w/Daniel y Amanda 9:00 Milonga-Open Dance
Join area dance studios for a monthly event bringing in instructors and practitioners from all over town. This joint event has been bringing in a great crowd of enthusiastic dancers so reservations are needed for seated dinner. LIVE MUSIC WITH ALEJANDRO PINZON A minimal fee of $10 covers you for the evening, including a fabulous [...]
Learn from the USA Tango Champions and learn from the best!! 5:00 Milonga Class 6:00 Tangology Daniel y Amanda
7:00 Beginner Salsa w/Yelena Murray 7:00 & 8:00 Argentine Tango w/Daniel y Amanda 8:00 Bachata w/Yelena Murray 9:00 Practice Party Join The USA Tango Champions along with our energetic in house Latin Specialist for a fun evening of lessons and Open Dancing