
Kids Ballroom

Its a great chance to let your child discover the wonderful world of Ballroom & Latin Dancing! ATD is offering weekly group classes and private instruction. No prior dance experience is necessary! Dance is an exciting way for children to develop important social skills that lead to success both at school and throughout their lives. [...]

Kids Ballroom

Its a great chance to let your child discover the wonderful world of Ballroom & Latin Dancing! ATD is offering weekly group classes and private instruction. No prior dance experience is necessary! Dance is an exciting way for children to develop important social skills that lead to success both at school and throughout their lives. [...]

Happy Thanksgiving- No Classes

3:00 Hip Hop with Dionne age 5-13 Call to Register (586)254-0560 5:00PM Milonga Upbeat movements, traspie & milonga lisa 6:00PM Tango Patterns Intermediate- Sacadas, ochos, giros, & boleos Instructor: Amanda Popular dances ideal for weddings, cruises, & social fun!   Schedule your individual lessons today! Call (586)254-0560

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