Tango Workshops with Eduardo Villalba

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Argentine Tango Detroit does it again. Welcome Eduardo Villalba to our Community with warm embraces and eagerness to grow Tango in you!!!

All Workshops held at ATD Studio

Private lessons will fill fast, book yours now!

Group Workshops
Friday 8:00-9:30 important points of connection.

9:30-2am Milonga Open Dance
DJ Daniel Moreno
Performance by Eduardo & Amanda Accica

1:00-2:30 getting into details to improve close embrace
2:30-4:00 complex sequences in close embrace

8:00-8:30PM Guided Practica @ TDS Helping guide you, Eduardo Villalba as well as US Champion Amanda Accica will be close by dancing and answering any questions you may have $10

8:30 DINNER RSVP a Must!
9:00 Metro Community Milonga @ Troy Dance Studio $10
DJ Guillermo & Petra Moreno

1:00-2:30 the giro and possibilities
2:30-4:00 changing of dynamics using different orchestras


$25 per class

Full pass $130 (includes Fri Milonga and Saturday Night Practica)


Eduardo Villalba is an Argentinian born tango teacher currently living in Chicago. He started his journey into the tango world in la Boca where he grew up surrounded by tango. La Boca is a neighborhood with rich tango history and cultural value. Eduardo danced in such iconic places in Buenos Aires as la Boca, San Telmo, Cafe Tortoni and Bar Sur among others. Eduardo’s dedication to the true spirit of tango and many years of experience characterize his unique style of dance and teaching, the style of elegance, passion and true connection. He immigrated to the United States in 2008 and since then has partnered with several prominent tango dancers to deliver intensive workshops across the country, spreading tango as part of Argentinian culture and identity in the US.

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