Saturday Workshops Whirlpool of Turns & Only 2 Directions

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GISELLE ANNE returns to Michigan
March 1st-March 3rd

Get ready and lets endulge in a weekend full of Workshops from one of the best Argentine Tango Maestras in the World!

Saturday Workshops at ATD
1:00PM Only Two Directions
2:30PM Whirlpool of “Turns”

8:00PM All Levels Tango Workshop
–9:00PM Metro Community Milonga @TDS-

Each Workshop is 1hr and 15 minutes
$30 A La Carte Workshops
$160 Full Workshop Pass Includes Friday Tango Aires Practica Party

Private Lessons with the amazing Giselle Anne are available during the weekend
Limited spots open
Call or reach out to schedule yours (586)254-0560

•Must have some basic Argentine Tango experience
•A partner is not mandatory but recommended. We will switch periodically but some may stay with their partner. ( ask a friend in the community who may be insterested to partner up)
• Punch Cards, Monthly Memberships, or Group On are not included for this Weekend!

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