Weekly News

We-Are-Celebrating-YOU (and-it-s-Joe-s-B-Day)

FRIDAY DECEMBER 20th CHRISTMAS PARTY ( & B-DAY PARTY MILONGA) What better time to celebrate good friends then this holiday season! Plus it is Joe's birthday sooooo we are having a Julian Bros Cake and more!!! 7:00 CLUB STYLE LATIN WITH YELENA 8:00 BEGINNER ARGENTINE TANGO WITH LORI 8:00 COLGADAS AND CROSSES WITH RANDY 9:00 [...]

By |2013-12-17T00:28:21-05:00December 16th, 2013|Weekly News|0 Comments

Friday Night

You are invited tomorrow night You are invited Now a new class added at 8:00 focusing on Molinete management for followers and leaders w/ Randy Alan Fisher (additional $10.00) http://www.meetup.com/Argentine-Tango-Detroit/events/154537212/

By |2013-12-12T20:02:29-05:00December 12th, 2013|Weekly News|0 Comments


FRIDAY NOVEMBER 29TH THANKSGIVING MILONGA - OPEN DANCE Work off all that Turkey with us on Friday! 7:00 CLUB STYLE LATIN WITH YELENA 8:00 BEGINNER ARGENTINE TANGO WITH LORI 9:00 MILONGA-OPEN DANCE-Gobble up some turkey featuring DJ DOUG Full Newsletter >

By |2019-09-25T18:46:26-04:00November 25th, 2013|Weekly News|0 Comments
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