Practíca Dance with shoe-clothes swap- sale

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Calling all Dancers!!!

it’s Fashion Show time 🌟 🤩
Displaying the beautiful dresses of Bailemos Dancewear & Bedazzeld Ballroom Dress Attire

Giving away and sale of your New or Used Mens and Ladies Dance shoes/clothes

it’s time to clean out our closet and add a few more!

1:00pm Ladies Tango Class
2:00pm Intermediate Tango Lesson
3:00ish Practica-Sale-Swap
4:30ish a fun fashion show/display

POT LUCK PRACTICA share a dish from home and dance to the best Tangos, Salsa, & Bachata

%90 Tango %5 Salsa %5 Bachata

come and enjoy and dance a few

if you’d like to be part of the fashion Show and Displaying these beautiful shops clothes call or text (586)804-6192

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